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  • Upcoming Events

    • Wednesday

      Cat Friendly Clinic: Principles of Cat Friendly Interactions

      Sep 25, 19:00 - 20:00 (BST)
      In this webinar, Dr Nathalie Dowgray will talk us through the basics of interacting with cats in the veterinary setting.

    • Wednesday

      Nutrition – one of the ultimate One Health topics? With Helen Ballantyne

      Oct 23, 19:00 - 20:00 (BST)
      Nutrition is essential, regardless of species, therefore it is probably one of the best topics to encourage collaboration, experience sharing and multi-disciplinary learning. In this webinar Helen will cover the basic principles of One Health within the context of nutrition. She will describe how and what the medical and veterinary professions may share in terms of resource and knowledge. She will also touch on some of the environmental aspects of nutrition which are fuelling client interest and questioning around pet food. This webinar will: 1) Present the principles of One Health (the health of animals, people and the environment) within the context of nutrition 2) Provide key examples of resources and learning that might be shared from human healthcare to support veterinary nutritional consultations 3) Consider which elements of nutrition might support One Health collaborations. 4) Discuss the environmental factors that might be linked to nutrition in the One Health context