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  • Upcoming Events

    • Tuesday

      Cat Friendly Clinic: Cat Friendly Home Visits with Dr Nikki Gaut

      Feb 25, 19:00 - 20:00 (BST)
      A visit to the clinic can be stressful for both cats and their owners, with many clients chosing not to visit the clinic at all. In this webinar, Dr Nikki Gaut will look at how we can bring healthcare to cats in the home environment in a cat friendly way and the considerations involved.

    • Thursday

      The SDMA is high but everything else is normal: common kidney diagnostic conundrums in the feline pa

      Apr 17, 19:00 - 20:00 (BST)
      Have you ever looked at your results and wondered how to explain them to your client? Or how to answer a question that you might have about one of your results? In this session we’ll walk through some of the frequently asked questions for IDEXX renal products as well as some scenarios in which you might find yourself scratching your head. Come prepared for an interactive session involving real-life questions to some of the thorniest issues involving feline renal health.

    • Wednesday

      DKA in the feline: keeping calm and carrying on with Dr Stephanie Sorrell

      May 21, 19:00 - 20:00 (BST)
      Join International Cat Care and IDEXX for a FREE webinar of feline DKA! This talk will focus on the pathophysiology of feline DKA and a practical approach to diagnosis and management. These cases can be complex to manage and we will use a real-life case example to demonstrate a structured approach to management.